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    Rapport: Report List and code, lijst met alle rapporten en code

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    # reportID Rapportnavn reportdesc sqlselect active
    151 215  sources with citation frequency and number of cited persons, ordered by citation  Bronnen met frequenties van citaten en aantal geciteerde personen, gerangschikt naar frequentie van citaten.  SELECT s.sourceID AS Source_nr, s.title AS Long_title, s.shorttitle AS Short_title, s.author AS author_, s.publisher AS publisher_, s.comments AS Comments_, COUNT(*) AS Number_of_citations, COUNT(DISTINCT p.personID) AS Number_of_people FROM tng_sources AS s
    LEFT JOIN tng_citations AS c ON (s.sourceID=c.sourceID AND s.gedcom=c.gedcom)
    LEFT JOIN tng_people AS p ON (c.persfamID=p.personID AND c.gedcom=p.gedcom)
    GROUP BY s.sourceID ORDER BY Number_of_citations DESC, CAST(SUBSTRING(s.sourceID, 2) AS UNSIGNED);  
    152 216  sources with citation frequency and number of cited persons, ordered by number o  Bronnen met frequentie van citaten and aantal geciteerde personen, gerangschikt naar geciteerde personen.  SELECT s.sourceID AS Source_nr, s.title AS Long_title, s.shorttitle AS Short_title, s.author AS author_, s.publisher AS publisher_, s.comments AS Comments_, COUNT(*) AS Number_of_citations, COUNT(DISTINCT p.personID) AS Number_of_people FROM tng_sources AS s
    LEFT JOIN tng_citations AS c ON (s.sourceID=c.sourceID AND s.gedcom=c.gedcom)
    LEFT JOIN tng_people AS p ON (c.persfamID=p.personID AND c.gedcom=p.gedcom)
    GROUP BY s.sourceID ORDER BY Number_of_people DESC, CAST(SUBSTRING(s.sourceID, 2) AS UNSIGNED);  
    153 214  Sources with frequency and persons, ordered by sources   Bronnen met frequentie en personen, gerangschikt naar bronnen  SELECT s.sourceID AS QuellenNr, s.title AS long_title, s.shorttitle AS short_title, s.author AS author_, s.publisher AS publisher_, s.comments AS comments_, COUNT(*) AS number_of_times_quoted, COUNT(DISTINCT p.personID) AS Number_of_people FROM tng_sources AS s
    INNER JOIN tng_citations AS c ON (s.sourceID=c.sourceID AND s.gedcom=c.gedcom)
    LEFT JOIN tng_people AS p ON (c.persfamID=p.personID AND c.gedcom=p.gedcom)
    154 221  sources with notes, including note contents   Bronnen met notities, inclusief de inhoud  SELECT sourceID, title AS Long_title, xn.note, s.gedcom FROM tng_notelinks AS nl
    LEFT JOIN tng_sources AS s ON (nl.persfamID=s.sourceID AND nl.gedcom=s.gedcom)
    LEFT JOIN tng_xnotes AS xn ON (nl.xnoteID=xn.ID AND nl.gedcom=xn.gedcom)
    WHERE (NOT ISNULL(sourceID)) AND nl.secret=0 ORDER BY title;  
    155 218  sources without any citations  Bronnen zonder enige citaten  SELECT s.sourceID AS knowledge_bank, title AS Title_, s.gedcom FROM tng_sources AS s
    LEFT OUTER JOIN tng_citations AS c ON (s.sourceID=c.sourceID and s.gedcom=c.gedcom)
    WHERE citationID IS NULL;  
    156 48  sources: citation texts - with frequency of occurence  sources: citation texts - with frequency of occurence ordered by description  SELECT description, COUNT(*) AS Number FROM tng_citations GROUP BY description ORDER BY description;  
    157 213  Sources: citations associated with families, just the link  Bronnen: citaten geaccossieert met gezinnen, alleen de link  SELECT f.familyID, h.personID, h.lastname AS Last_name1, h.firstname AS First_name1, h.living AS lving1, w.PersonID, w.lastname AS Last_name2, w.firstname AS First_name2, w.living AS lving2, c.sourceID, c.eventID, c.description, f.gedcom FROM tng_citations AS c
    LEFT JOIN tng_families AS f ON (c.persfamID=f.familyID AND c.gedcom=f.gedcom)
    LEFT JOIN tng_people AS h ON (f.husband=h.personID AND f.gedcom=h.gedcom)
    LEFT JOIN tng_people AS w ON (f.wife=w.personID AND f.gedcom=w.gedcom)
    WHERE familyID<>'' ORDER BY h.lastname, h.firstname, h.personID, c.description;  
    158 220  sources: citations with associated individuals, ordered by citation text  Bronnen: citaten met geaccossieerde personen, gerangschikt naar geciteerde tekst.   SELECT c.description, c.sourceID, c.eventID, c.citetext, c.page, p.personID, p.lastname, p.firstname, p.living, p.gedcom FROM tng_citations AS c
    LEFT JOIN tng_people AS p ON (c.persfamID=p.personID AND c.gedcom=p.gedcom)
    WHERE p.personID<>"" ORDER BY c.description, c.citetext, c.page, c.sourceID;  
    159 219  sources: citations with associated individuals, ordered by individual's name  Bronnen: citaten met geaccossieerde personen, gerangschikt naar iemand's naam  SELECT p.personID, p.lastname, p.firstname, p.living, c.eventID, c.sourceID, c.description, c.citetext, c.page, p.gedcom FROM tng_citations AS c
    LEFT JOIN tng_people AS p ON (c.persfamID=p.personID AND c.gedcom=p.gedcom)
    WHERE p.personID<>'' ORDER BY p.lastname, p.firstname, p.personID, c.description;  
    160 169  Statistic of people becoming parents  Frequency distribution of age where males (M) become father and females (F) become mother (for all children)

    Verdeling van leeftijd waarop mensen ouder worden 
    SELECT YEAR(p.birthdatetr)-YEAR(father.birthdatetr) AS parents_age, COUNT(*) AS Number_, RPAD('',COUNT(*)/20,'M') AS Graph FROM tng_children AS ch LEFT JOIN tng_people AS p ON (ch.personID=p.personID AND ch.gedcom=p.gedcom) LEFT JOIN tng_families AS f ON (ch.familyID=f.familyID AND ch.gedcom=f.gedcom) LEFT JOIN tng_people AS father ON (father.personID=f.husband AND father.gedcom=f.gedcom)
    WHERE p.birthdatetr<>"0000-00-00" AND father.birthdatetr<>"0000-00-00" AND YEAR(p.birthdatetr)-YEAR(father.birthdatetr)>15 AND YEAR(p.birthdatetr)-YEAR(father.birthdatetr)<60 GROUP BY parents_age
    SELECT YEAR(p.birthdatetr)-YEAR(mother.birthdatetr) AS parents_age, COUNT(*) AS Number_, RPAD('',COUNT(*)/20,'F') AS Graph FROM tng_children AS ch LEFT JOIN tng_people AS p ON (ch.personID=p.personID AND ch.gedcom=p.gedcom) LEFT JOIN tng_families AS f ON (ch.familyID=f.familyID AND ch.gedcom=f.gedcom) LEFT JOIN tng_people AS mother ON (mother.personID=f.wife AND mother.gedcom=f.gedcom)
    WHERE p.birthdatetr<>"0000-00-00" AND mother.birthdatetr<>"0000-00-00" AND YEAR(p.birthdatetr)-YEAR(mother.birthdatetr)>15 AND YEAR(p.birthdatetr)-YEAR(mother.birthdatetr)<60 GROUP BY parents_age
    ORDER BY parents_age;  
    161 192  Statistics of places where people were baptized  Statistieken waar mensen gedoopt zijn.   SELECT REVERSE(SUBSTRING_INDEX(REVERSE(SUBSTRING_INDEX(altbirthplace,",",2)),",",1)) as gemeente_or_state, COUNT(*) AS Number, RPAD('',COUNT(*)/100,'=') AS Graph FROM tng_people WHERE altbirthplace <> "" group BY gemeente_or_state order by Number desc; 
    162 156  The wife is male  Marriages where the wife is male and therefore a mistake might have been made
    Huwelijken waar de echtgenote is mannelijk en mogelijk verkeerd zou kunnen zijn ingevoerd 
    SELECT f.familyID, h.personID as personID1, h.lastname AS LastName1, h.firstname AS FirstName1, h.sex AS Sex1, h.birthdate as birthdate1, w.personID, w.lastname AS LastName2, w.firstname AS FirstName2, w.sex AS Sex2, w.birthdate as birthdate2, f.living, f.gedcom, f.changedby
    FROM tng_families AS f
    LEFT JOIN tng_people AS h ON f.husband = h.personID
    LEFT JOIN tng_people AS w ON f.wife = w.personID
    WHERE (
    w.sex = "M"
    ORDER BY familyID 
    163 225  Unused place names  Ongebruikte plaatsnamen  SELECT id, gedcom, place, longitude, latitude, notes
    FROM tng_places
    WHERE gedcom = 'savenije'
    AND place
    IN (

    SELECT pl.place
    FROM tng_places AS pl

    SELECT gedcom, birthplace AS place
    FROM `tng_people`
    WHERE gedcom = 'savenije'
    UNION SELECT gedcom, altbirthplace
    FROM `tng_people`
    WHERE gedcom = 'savenije'
    UNION SELECT gedcom, marrplace
    FROM `tng_families`
    WHERE gedcom = 'savenije'
    UNION SELECT gedcom, deathplace
    FROM `tng_people`
    WHERE gedcom = 'savenije'
    UNION SELECT gedcom, burialplace
    FROM `tng_people`
    WHERE gedcom = 'savenije'
    UNION SELECT gedcom, eventplace
    FROM tng_events
    WHERE gedcom = 'savenije'
    ) AS p
    USING ( gedcom, place )
    WHERE pl.gedcom = 'savenije'
    AND isnull( p.place )
    164 128  Wezen zonder partner en kinderen, Orphans without partner and childeren  Mensen die dus aan niemand verbonden zijn.
    Open de links in het rapport alstublieft in een nieuw venster.
    Persons who are connected to nobody.
    Open the links in the report please in a new window. 
    SELECT p.personID, p.lastname, p.firstname, p.birthdate, p.living, p.gedcom, p.changedate, p.changedby FROM tng_people AS p
    LEFT OUTER JOIN tng_children AS c ON (p.personID=c.personID AND p.gedcom=c.gedcom)
    LEFT OUTER JOIN tng_families AS f1 ON (p.personID=f1.husband AND p.gedcom=f1.gedcom)
    LEFT OUTER JOIN tng_families AS f2 ON (p.personID=f2.wife AND p.gedcom=f2.gedcom)
    WHERE c.personID IS NULL AND f1.husband IS NULL AND f1.wife IS NULL AND f2.husband IS NULL AND f2.wife IS NULL
    ORDER BY p.changedate, p.lastname, p.firstname, p.birthdate DESC;  
    165 127  Wezen, Orphans  Personen zonder ouders, geoordend volgens de laatste invoer eerst.
    People without any parents, ordered according to the last input.  
    SELECT personID, firstname AS first_name,lnprefix AS tussenvoegsel,lastname AS last_name, birthdate AS Geboortedatum, birthplace AS Geboorteplaats, changedate AS Veranderdatum, gedcom, changedby FROM tng_people WHERE famc= "" order by changedate DESC  
    166 172  Wrong place names for FAMIILIES  Places to families, which are NOT a member of the places table (check for data plausibility)

    Gezinnen in plaatsen die niet in de plaatsnamen lijst staan (controle op plausibiliteit) 
    SELECT familyID, husband, wife, "Place of marriage" AS Kind_of_place, marrplace AS Entered_place_name, f.gedcom FROM tng_families AS f LEFT JOIN tng_places AS pl ON (f.marrplace=pl.place AND f.gedcom=pl.gedcom) WHERE ISNULL(place) AND marrplace<>""
    SELECT familyID, husband, wife, "Place of divorce" AS Kind_of_place, divplace AS Entered_place_name, f.gedcom FROM tng_families AS f LEFT JOIN tng_places AS pl ON (f.divplace=pl.place AND f.gedcom=pl.gedcom) WHERE ISNULL(place) AND divplace<>""
    167 171  Wrong place names for PERSONS  Places to persons, which are NOT a member of the places table (check for data plausibility)

    Mensen in plaatsen die niet in de plaatsnamen lijst staan (controle op plausibiliteit) 
    SELECT personID, lastname, firstname, "Place of birth" AS Kind_of_place, birthplace AS place_detail, living, p.gedcom FROM tng_people AS p LEFT JOIN tng_places AS pl ON (p.birthplace=pl.place AND p.gedcom=pl.gedcom) WHERE ISNULL(place) AND birthplace<>""
    SELECT personID, lastname, firstname, "Place of birth" AS Kind_of_place, altbirthplace AS place_detail, living, p.gedcom FROM tng_people AS p LEFT JOIN tng_places AS pl ON (p.altbirthplace=pl.place AND p.gedcom=pl.gedcom) WHERE ISNULL(place) AND altbirthplace<>""
    SELECT personID, lastname, firstname, "Place of death" AS Kind_of_place, deathplace AS place_detail, living, p.gedcom FROM tng_people AS p LEFT JOIN tng_places AS pl ON (p.deathplace=pl.place AND p.gedcom=pl.gedcom) WHERE ISNULL(place) AND deathplace<>""
    SELECT personID, lastname, firstname, "Place of burial" AS Kind_of_place, burialplace AS place_detail, living, p.gedcom FROM tng_people AS p LEFT JOIN tng_places AS pl ON (p.burialplace=pl.place AND p.gedcom=pl.gedcom) WHERE ISNULL(place) AND burialplace<>""
    SELECT personID, lastname, firstname, "Place of event" AS Kind_of_place, eventplace AS place_detail, living, p.gedcom FROM tng_events AS e LEFT JOIN tng_places AS pl ON (e.eventplace=pl.place AND e.gedcom=pl.gedcom) LEFT JOIN tng_people AS p ON (e.persfamID=p.personID AND e.gedcom=p.gedcom) WHERE ISNULL(place) AND eventplace<>""
    ORDER BY lastname, firstname;  

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