* NN is the Latin abbreviation for "nomen nescion" or "non nominandus" meaning "name is not known" which is a standard across Europe for genealogy, newspaper reports and court affairs. This is more language neutral and globally acceptable than using the English terms "Miss", "son" or "daughter" in place of an unknown given name. It is also preferable than leaving the given name blank, as it clearly indicates the name is missing.
[S2992] Alen, Rupert & Anna Marie Dahlquist, Alen-1997, (Kings River Publications, Kingsburg California: 1997), p 165 (Troverdighet: 3).
[S2983] Ferguson, June, Ferguson-1998, (14 Jun 1998) (Troverdighet: 3).
Does not show Cuno as father of this NN. I cannot recall why I attached her to Cuno of Oechlingen, but the approximate dates fit and this may be her father.
[S2984] Fettes, Ian, Fettes-2001, (Feb 2001: Australia) (Troverdighet: 3).
Wilson, Alan B. Posting to Gen-Medieval. (abwilson@uclink2.berkeley.edu). Mar 1997 and later.
[S2983] Ferguson, June, Ferguson-1998, (14 Jun 1998).
[S2984] Fettes, Ian, Fettes-2001, (Feb 2001: Australia) (Troverdighet: 3).
Wilson, Alan B. Posting to Gen-Medieval. (abwilson@uclink2.berkeley.edu). Mar 1997 and later. Shows 14 Aug 1018.
[S2983] Ferguson, June, Ferguson-1998, (14 Jun 1998) (Troverdighet: 3).
Also shows after 1011.