His name was Einar, but was known as Torf-Einer because he introduced "turf" (peat) as a fuel to the islanders. After his brother, Hallad, failed to control the Danish pirates, he asked his father to let him try. He not only freed the Orkneys from Danish pirates but also fought Halfdan Haaleg (a son of Harald Hårfagre who had killed Einar's father, Ragnvald). Halfdan had invaded the Orkneys but Einar prevailed. In an old viking rite, he carved an eagle on the back of Haldan and sacrificed him to Odin. Harald Hårfagre, came and demanded compensation for Halfdan's death but allowed him to remain ruler of the Orkneys. Although Einar is described as ugly, he is remembered as a strong ruler.