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    3951 Gift Wester, änka 26/10 1955. Eriksson, Teresia (I80177)
    3952 Gift Wilhelmsen Andreassen, Josefine Margrete (I30127)
    3953 Gift Åblom, änka 14/5 1972. Klingberg, Astrid Margareta Kristina (I80230)
    3954 Gift Ördal, änka 11/12 1943. Simonsson, Ida Eugenia (I30089)
    3955 Gift. Matsdotter, Britta (I10648)
    3956 Gift. Persdotter, Stina (I10794)
    3957 Gift. Persson, Olof (I11232)
    3958 Gift. Petersson, Erik (I11768)
    3959 Gift. Eliasdotter, Maria (I11924)
    3960 Gift. Persson, Anders (I12894)
    3961 Gift. Karlsson, Gustav Teodor (I25540)
    3962 Gift. Karlsson, Karl August (I35478)
    3963 Gift. Niklasson, John Valfrid (I36022)
    3964 Gift. Jonsson, Anders Gustav (I21477)
    3965 Gift. Larsson, Otto (I67241)
    3966 Gift. Björn, Olof Georg (I50027)
    3967 gift. Lundström, Dag Einar (I61549)
    3968 Gift. Persdotter, Barbro (I72035)
    3969 Gift. Moberg, Erik Albin (I72805)
    3970 Gift. Johansson, Måns (I34736)
    3971 Gift. Karlsson, Olof (I7623)
    3972 Gift. Jansdotter, Anna Stina (I7534)
    3973 Gift. Jonsson, Jonas (I21221)
    3974 Gift. Olsson, Jonas (I23538)
    3975 Gift. Eriksdotter, Stina (I69186)
    3976 Gift. Jonsson, Johannes (I78403)
    3977 Gift. Jordsdotter, Karin (I13922)
    3978 Gift. Jordsson, Nils (I13925)
    3979 Gift. Moblad, Erland (I30972)
    3980 Gift. Jonsson, Sven (I61958)
    3981 Gift. Andersdotter, Brita (I8242)
    3982 Gift. Johansdotter, Lena Kajsa (I34536)
    3983 Gift. Jansson, Jan (I34539)
    3984 gifta andra gången 22 mar 1951 i Degerfors Familie: John Hugo Dahlström / Lilly Norlén (F7779)
    3985 Gifter seg 1629 som änka, första äktenskapet finnes ej med i vigselboken som startar 1626. Kristmansdotter, Elin (I8503)
    3986 Gifter sig 1633. Kristmansdotter, Ingegärd (I8505)
    3987 Gikk over til kristendommen 960. Gormsson Blåtann, Harald I (I7869)
    3988 giktbruten Larsdotter, Maria (I23241)
    3989 Gille married a daughter of Hlodvir, Earl of the Orkneys (also an ancestor of Frida Rage and shown elsewhere in this genealogy.) Earl of Hebrides, Gille-Adomhnan, (I55096)
    3990 Giskeætten
    stormannsslekt som nedstammet fra Torberg Arnesson (jfr. Arnmødlingene) og Ragnhild, Erling Skjalgssons datter. Deres datter Tora ble gift med Harald Hardråde, og fra henne stammer de følgende konger i Norge. G. døde ut på mannssiden i 1265, og med Margrete Nikolasdatter, som giftet seg med Bjarne Erlingsson, gikk Giskegodset over til Bjarkøyætten.
    Alt. namn: Kollbjørn Arnisson Giske 
    Arneson Giske, Torberg (I8017)
    3991 Gjennom et samarbeid med ladejarlen Håkon Grjotgardsson søkte han å vinne kontroll over hele Norge, dvs. kystområdet fra Viken og nordover. Iflg. tradisjonen skal han ha oppnådd å bli anerkjent som nordmennenes konge ved slaget i Hafrsfjord. Hårfagre Halvdansson, Harald I (I7845)
    3992 Gjurd Mattssons ätt/Oxenstierna Gjurdsdotter, Lucia (I54389)
    3993 Gjuteriarbetare 1975. Pettersson, Erik Bernhard (I76082)
    3994 gl. 14 dager Christensdatter, Alet Margrete (I44691)
    3995 Gl. 80 år. Andersdatter, Kirsten (I64580)
    3996 gl: 16 aar
    Bodde i Sørfjord. 
    Larsdatter, Bodille (I5054)
    3997 Gnupa-Bård Bjørnsson. Født ca. 895, Landnåmsmann på Island. Bjørnsson, Gnupa-Bård (I55310)
    3998 Godred var konge på Isle of Man.

    Sir Robert Douglas of Glenbervie, Baronet, THEBARONAGE OF SCOTLAND, Edinburgh, 1798, p. 374. "It is universally acknowledged, that the Macleods of Scotland are descended of the Norvegian kings of Man, of whom we shall heregive a brief account, as recorded in the chronicle of thatisland, published with Cambden's Britannia, anno 1586. "I.GODFRED, sirnamed [sic] Crovan, son of Harold the Black, of the royal family of Norway, being appointed sovereign of Man and the western isles, by king Harold the Imperious, came with a fleet and army, and took possession of his kingdom, anno 1066;but the superiority still remained with the kings of Norway."Godfred left three sons. 1. Lagman. 2. Harold. 3. Olave orOlaus, a child at his father's death. "Godfred reigned sixteenyears, died in the Island of Islay, and was succeeded by hiseldest son." !REIGN: Reigned 1066-1082. !BIOGRAPHY: John Burke, Esq., A GENEALOGICAL AND HERALDICHISTORY OF THE COMMONERS OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND, Vol. II,Baltimore, Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 1977, pp.175-178. It is acknowledged universally that the Macleods ofScotland, sprang from the Norwegian Kings of Man, of whichmonarchs the following is a brief narrative, as recorded in the Chronicle of the Island, published with Cambden's Britannia,anno 1586. I. Godred, surnamed Crowan, son of Harold, the Black, being appointed sovereign of Man, and the Western Isles,by Harold, the Imperious, came with a fleet, and army, and tookpossession of his kingdom, anno 1066, but the superiority stillremained with the kings. He left at his decease three sons, 1.Lagman 2. Harold 3. Olaus, or Olave, a child at his father'sdeath. !BIOGRAPHY: Rev. Dr. Donald MacKinnon, MACLEOD CHIEFS OF HARRISAND DUNVEGAN, Edinburgh, The Clan MacLeod Society, 1969, pp.1-2. !BIOGRAPHY: Alick Morrison, THE CHIEFS OF CLAN MACLEOD, EastKilbride, Scotland, Associate Clan MacLeod Societies,1986, pp.14-15. "The founder of the last dynasty to rule Man and the Isles was Godred Crovan, a son of Harold the Black of 'Ysland' (i.e. Iceland). His origin is obscure, although various conjectures have been made to trace his genealogy. It is, however, certain that he was not a mere adventurer. He derived a considerable amount of support from the Hebrides and he was successful in establishing a dynasty that lasted for two centuries and was never seriously challenged. These circumstances argue that he was in some way related to some of the previous Kings of the Isles. "He first came to notice in1066, when we find him in conjunction with Godred, son ofSigtrygg, king of man and the Isles at the time, assisting King Harold Hardrada of Norway and Tostig Godwinson, in the invasion of England. The invaders were routed by Harold Godwinson, King of England and a brother of Tostig at theBattle of Stamford Bridge. King Harold of Norway and Tostig were slain. The two Godreds managed to escape to the Isle ofMan. King Godred Sigtryggson of Man and the Isles died shortlyafterwards and was succeeded by his son Fingal. Godred Crovanseems to to have returned to Iceland, but in 1071 he is inNorway, busily collecting an army to invade the Isle of Man. Hereceived strong naval support from the Hebrides, but for somereason, he met with stubborn opposition in Man. Despite twosetbacks, he finally triumphed in battle at Scaefell. Sograteful was he to his Hebridean supporters that he gave them achoice of taking possession of the island or plundering it.Eventually the Hebrideans received the South part of the islandin close proximity to his own residence; the people of Man weredriven into the Northern portion. All accounts agree thatGodred Crovan was a powerful ruler: he conquered Dublin and alarge part of Leinster: he forbade the Scots on the westernseaboard of Scotland to build any vessel requiring more than three bolts in its construction. He was married and left issue,three sons, Lagman, Harold and Olaf. He died of pestilence inIslay in 1087." 
    King of Man & Dublin, Godred I Crovan "White Hands", (I55091)
    3999 Gorm var Danmarks første konge. Han samlet riket på samme måte som Harald Hårfagre samlet Norge. Han ligger sammen med Tyra i en mektig gravhaug ved kongsgården Jællinge.
    Kildene gir nesten ingen pålitelige opplysninger om Gorm. Selv navnet til hans far er ukjent, men overleveringen tyder på at det var Hardeknud. Man vet ikke når og på hvilken måte Gorm overtok riket eller når han giftet seg med sin berømte dronning Tyre Danmarksbod. Tradisjonen har konsentrert seg om henne, og Gorm trekkes frem kun i forhold til henne. 
    Gorm den gamle (I7832)
    4000 Gravlagd 1 jun 1951 Østre gravlund, Oslo Martha Marie (I49010)

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